Friday, March 28, 2014

No Fear!

Eli and I took a golf cart ride down to our neighborhood lake to throw rocks (one of his favorite activites).  We splashed in a mud puddle and when I walked us into the water to wash our crocs off, Eli decided that was so much fun!  I swear, he has no fear!  A few of our neighborhood kids have a New Year's tradition of jumping off the dock, and I think Eli will want to be a member of the Polar Bear Club as soon as he's old enough! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Random Eli Cuteness

The Egg Carton Incident
aka Can't Mommy just drink a cup of coffee???


Mommy went crazy with the bubbles!

Just too cute!

Daddy's turn

I couldn't resist the dollar bin suspenders!  He could live without them!


Mouthful of his favorite snack "bar"  (Larabars)  he says it real cute and desperate though!

"Touch-a-truck" in The Woodlands

Aunt Shannon came for a visit and got drug along to Touch-a-truck

Bathtime ham

He helped our neighbor kids drag brush!  He's such a helper!

The penguin came from the dentist office to storytime


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

Not a fan of Santa this year!

But enjoyed the Christmas lights in our neighborhood!  We're so thankful for people that go to all the effort for other people's enjoyment!

Eli had fun pushing all of his cousins around on his new Jeep from the Tinkers!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving 2013 
Snyder, Tx

Mammaw/Pappaw time!

Annual football game!

Jordan and Uncle Ben


The real reason there are 30 photos on this post!

He loves his cousins and they love him!


Doin' some work!

Loves the outdoors!

Thank you to my assistant, Jaden!

Ol' Justin is down!  Didn't wait an hour after he ate!


About to get smeared!

Jaden and Eli

At the park with Mammaw
My Aunt Cheryl revived the ol' Dixie Dog in Spur, Tx!
We went for lunch on Friday!  Great burgers and dogs!

Kid's table!

Justin and Steph (#2)

Jordan and Steph (#1)

Cheryl hard at work!

Uncle Hippo enjoying a "Josh Burger"

These three managed to avoid my camera!
Steph (#3), Corey and Gramma

"Yum, that Dixie Dog was goooood!"

Jordan snapped a pic of the lovely West Texas views!

Mommy finally got in a pic!  Thanks Jentry!

I just want to eat him up!

We had a wonderful time thanks to all our wonderful Snyder-kin!  They always go out of their way to make our trip fun and special!  Lots of memories are always made!  For instance:  the inversion table was like a jungle gym for the Hood boys, "I'm the closest one to black in this family!", playing 31, getting to see Gramma's new carport...that towers over the old neighborhood, Mammaw sliding Eli down by himself...good thing there was sand, Kliff Kingsbury's "orientation", Eli pushing Gramma's walker and as always, Uncle Hippo's crazy stories!  (I had to include them since my memory is nonexistent these days!)