Friday, March 28, 2014

No Fear!

Eli and I took a golf cart ride down to our neighborhood lake to throw rocks (one of his favorite activites).  We splashed in a mud puddle and when I walked us into the water to wash our crocs off, Eli decided that was so much fun!  I swear, he has no fear!  A few of our neighborhood kids have a New Year's tradition of jumping off the dock, and I think Eli will want to be a member of the Polar Bear Club as soon as he's old enough! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Random Eli Cuteness

The Egg Carton Incident
aka Can't Mommy just drink a cup of coffee???


Mommy went crazy with the bubbles!

Just too cute!

Daddy's turn

I couldn't resist the dollar bin suspenders!  He could live without them!


Mouthful of his favorite snack "bar"  (Larabars)  he says it real cute and desperate though!

"Touch-a-truck" in The Woodlands

Aunt Shannon came for a visit and got drug along to Touch-a-truck

Bathtime ham

He helped our neighbor kids drag brush!  He's such a helper!

The penguin came from the dentist office to storytime
